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Writer's pictureKate M

Welcome to the Hall of Mirrors

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

Hi! If you've gotten this far, you probably already know my name is Kate. To give a little bit more context to me, if you just came straight here and didn't explore the rest of the website, I am a software engineer by day, dealing in mixed reality apps, and after work, I work on this project, D&D, or the story I'm writing. Just a creative at heart. At a later date, I'll be adding some of my D&D maps to the website for everyone to enjoy!

Now, onto the project that spawned this blog idea. A high level idea of the project, currently nicknamed Project Mirror, is a horror game where the player can play as two different characters, and the characters get trapped in an abandoned carnival/amusement park. While trapped in the carnival, the players are hunted by a phantom, currently nicknamed Mother, and in order to escape, they need to find stuffed animals that contain the souls of Mother's previous victims and release them. The souls will fill a high striker near the entrance to the carnival, and after it is full, and the player hits it, the fog surrounding the carnival clears and the player can escape.

I don't have any current images of process, so the above is an AI generated image of the vibe I'm going for.

That is very high level, and it seems even more descriptive than it should be. I'm sure you know it is HARD to reduce down your own ideas into its simplest form, but I did my best. You'll learn more as this project goes along, and this is subject to change.

This idea came about back when I was in college and has been bouncing around in my mind for awhile. This project is going to be coming out on Steam, and my hope is to release it for PC first, and then go into VR, because what spawned this whole idea was two specific mechanics, one of them being a hug mechanic, where the player mimes hugging the stuffed animal to release the soul. Now, that can obviously be animated on PC, but it would be fun to do in VR, especially if I can set up a good IK rig.

Thank you very much for reading, and I'm excited to be on this journey with you if you decide to keep coming back.

I should get back to work. Happy gaming!



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